
oPERATION duratıon

2-4 Hours


General Anesthesia

back to work

1 -2 Weeks

Total healıng tıme

2 Weeks

nıght spent at the hospıtal

1 Night

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  • Operating Rooms with Ultraviolet Light
  • Sterilized Operating Rooms
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  • The Best Price Guarantee

There is some fall in the big breasts, but the actual reason of low breast is rather different. It often follows up when the breast masses increase and decrease, such as pregnancy and weight gain. Furthermore, skin quality depends on many factors such as, aging. The deterioration of the quality of the skin and the reduction in the quality of the suspensory ligament that carry the breast make this problem more important.

How to Treat Breast Lifting Aesthetics?

It is a procedure performed under general anesthesia. The level of breast loss and whether the breast tissue is adequate are important in assessment. It is possible to lift only with the patient’s own tissue, with or without using prosthesis. An average of one or two days is enough to stay in the hospital.

Who the Breast Lifting Aesthetics Treatment Is Applied To?

Breast lifting can be applied to the people who are experiencing low breast after age or pregnancy. If necessary, the breast prosthesis can also be included in breast lifting surgery in the form of a combined operation to increase the mass of the breast.

After Breast Lifting Aesthetics Treatment.

The length of stay at the hospital depends on your needs. However, on average it refers to a time of one or two days. After surgery, appropriate bra should be used and heavy sports should be interrupted for a while. The return to work can take five to seven days, depending on the type of the job.

What are the Breast Lifting Aesthetics Treatment Prices?

When you fill out our FREE medical examination form, you can request information about Breast Lifting Aesthetics Operation and get detailed price information.


The amount of time you need to take off depends on the type of job you have. If your work involves lots of physical activity, you may need to take up to 2 weeks off. If however, it doesn’t, then you will need to take only 1 week off.

As all breast uplift procedures require an incision to be made around the nipple, some of the milk ducts, glands or nerves may be damaged. This can mean that some women may find that they have more difficulty breastfeeding, and may produce less milk after a breast uplift. The chances are high that you will still be able to breastfeed after your breast uplift, on the assumption that you were able to breastfeed before surgery. If you have any plans to become pregnant or breastfeed after your operation, you must discuss this with your surgeon. If you’ve recently had a baby and are currently breastfeeding, your surgeon may ask that you stop breastfeeding 3 to 6 months before your breast uplift.

If you’ve recently had a baby and are currently breastfeeding, your surgeon may ask that you stop breastfeeding 3 to 6 months before your breast uplift. This allows enough time for your breasts to settle before the surgery.

If you have recently had a baby, your surgeon may ask that you wait 3 to 6 months before having your breast uplift surgery.

Your surgeon will usually be happy to see you without a referral letter from your GP. They may however, ask to contact your GP for details regarding your medical history and care.

As a breast uplift is a cosmetic procedure, it is not usually available on the NHS.

Smoking, consuming large amounts of alcohol or taking recreational drugs, can increase the risk of complications. Our Avrupamed surgeons require you to stop smoking and using all nicotine products for a minimum of 6 weeks before surgery.

Any significant weight changes that occur after your breast uplift can affect the results of your procedure. This effect will however, vary from patient to patient. If there are questions that have not been answered in this breast uplift FAQs page, give us a call.

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