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Our face is the preliminary area that reflects our personality, which is first evaluated by all of us. For this reason, it is important for us that our face lines look whether collapsed and tired, too chubby or sharp and irritating. Our forehead, nose, ears and accompanying cheeks, cheekbone area and chin exhibits a harmony. Facial shaping is essential to provide a harmony of cheekbone area, cheek area and chin area as well as other region aesthetics.

How To Treat Face Shaping Aesthetics?

The cheekbone zone may seem structurally collapsed due to rapid weight loss, aging, and gravitational pull. This leads us to look older or tired than we are. By using fillers such as hyaluronic acid it is possible to obtain a temporary benefit without the surgical operation whereas a more permanent filling can be obtained with fat injections. Surgical placement of various implant materials will also have the same fullness effect. If the cheek area appears full than the normal, reducing the cheek fat pads provides a thinner cheek area. This means providing an aesthetic line descending towards the chin. Conversely, in case of collapse, fillings and fat injections help look goodly.

It is an issue that the chin is being at back or front that it should be. Fillings and fat injections are the options for the chins that appears behind. In addition, a normal chin appearance can be obtained by surgically implanting the implant. Bone intervention and restrain are necessary when the chin is at front.

Who Facial Shaping Aesthetics Treatment Is Applied To?

Face shaping treatment; can be applied to persons with structural or acquired problems with facial contours

After the Facial Shaping Aesthetics Treatment

It cannot be mentioned about traces for nonsurgical filler applications. Similarly, fat injection applications leave a trace close to zero. Surgical applications are usually made from the inside of the mouth and leave no visible traces from the outside. Existing traces remain in the mouth and are concealed.

There may be mild pain on the same day after the surgery, bruising and edema (swelling) for several days. Face-specific clothing can be used to reduce these complaints and prevent complications. It is possible to return to the social life of the patient immediately, in a few days or a week, according to the procedure.

What are Facial Shaping Aesthetics Treatment Prices?

When you fill out our FREE medical examination form, you can request information about Facial Shaping Aesthetic Operation and receive detailed price information.


We have compiled some of the most common facelift FAQs about the procedure below. It is useful to read them through as there may be some questions that you had not thought about. On the other hand, if you still have further questions don’t worry! Your surgeon will be happy to answer them during your consultation.

Generally, you do not need a GP referral to see a cosmetic surgeon for an initial consultation. However, if you decide you want to go ahead with the procedure, your surgeon will require more detailed information on your medical history. In this case, they may contact your GP for this information, with your permission.

Your surgeon will give you specific advice on how to wash and bathe after the surgery. In general, you may shower and wash your hair 48 hours after a facelift surgery. Use a mild shampoo and be particularly careful around the treatment area. You can also blow dry your hair on a cool setting. Be gentle when brushing or combing your hair so that you do not catch your comb in the suture lines. You must follow your surgeon’s specific advice.

You should not wear makeup until your surgeon gives you approval to do this. Usually, it is possible to start wearing makeup again 2 weeks after your procedure. You can then use camouflage cosmetic products if you wish to cover any bruising you may have.

It is normal to feel a little self-conscious when you are in public due to the swelling, redness and bruising around the treated area after a facelift. However, the vast majority of bruising and swelling should have settled by around 4 weeks. By this time, most people feel comfortable enough to be seen by friends and colleagues. Full recovery, however, takes several months. We, therefore, advise that you plan ahead. If you have a major event coming up such as a wedding or birthday, plan your surgery 2 to 3 months before it.

A facelift is not a permanent solution. No cosmetic procedure can stop the effects of time and aging. Genetic factors and environmental factors such as sun exposure and smoking can also speed up the natural aging process and reverse the effects of a facelift. However, the results achieved from a facelift surgery are long-lasting. This will also depend on the type of procedure you have, the technique used, and the quality of your tissue. The effects of a full facelift can remain for over a decade. This means that most patients only undergo one facelift in their lifetime. There are some precautions you can take to limit the effects of environmental factors. These include using sunscreen, wearing sunglasses and a hat when outside, moisturising regularly and staying healthy and hydrated.

Smoking and drinking too much alcohol can increase your risk to a number of complications from surgery. This is why we advise you to cut back on alcohol and stop smoking well in advance of the operation. Six weeks is the least we advise you to be smoke-free before your surgery.

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